• Do you have a subtle yet overwhelming sense that you are inadequate, unworthy, not good enough or unlovable?
  • Does this feeling hold you back from being fully expressed and fulfilled?
  • Do you get flushed, hot and embarrassed when someone compliments you or singles you out in front of others?
  • Conversely, do you feel embarrassed or become enraged when someone points a finger at you or when you make a mistake?
  • Are you afraid that you’ll be criticized or humiliated?

At the heart of this wound is shame. Shame left untreated becomes toxic to our bodies, minds and hearts. Shame can feel like a heavy cloak that we unconsciously wear.

In this video, Clare discusses the two types of shame and why it is so hard to see and name our shame. Learning about shame as a cloak that we put around ourselves that we were not born with shows us that it’s possible to remove it. By unpacking the layers of shame and soothing and reparenting the parts underneath the shame, we begin to heal. As we heal, we become more confident to be our authentic selves and to take healthy risks for our soul’s evolution.