Blame and entitlement are shadow traits that reveal a deeper fear. They can show up as emotional triggers, such as demanding that someone give you something or that someone owes you something, disregarding the view or opinion of others, shifting the responsibility for your experience onto others, projecting wrong onto others or accusing them. We can also be on the receiving end of blame and entitlement.

Underneath blame and entitlement is the unprocessed trauma of feeling unsafe that causes a dysregulated nervous system and shuts down our capacity for empathy, vulnerability and a neutral perspective.

In this video, you’ll learn how to compassionately understand your feelings of unsafety and where they come from, rewire and regulate your nervous system by creating an internally safe environment, and compassionately understand what’s beneath the blame and sense of entitlement. While this topic can be painful as we can judge ourselves (or others) harshly, if we understand what’s behind the blame, we can heal it. That opens up the possibility for better relationships with others, a feeling of being more centered and less reactive, and the cultivation of a safe and calm inner environment.